Creates a new instance of the logger.
references to locate the component dependencies.
Composes an human-readable error description
an error to format.
a human-reable error description.
Configures component by passing configuration parameters.
configuration parameters to be set.
Logs a high-level debug information for troubleshooting.
(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
a human-readable message to log.
arguments to parameterize the message.
Logs recoverable application error.
(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
an error object associated with this message.
a human-readable message to log.
arguments to parameterize the message.
Logs fatal (unrecoverable) message that caused the process to crash.
(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
an error object associated with this message.
a human-readable message to log.
arguments to parameterize the message.
Formats the log message and writes it to the logger destination.
a log level.
(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
an error object associated with this message.
a human-readable message to log.
arguments to parameterize the message.
Gets the maximum log level. Messages with higher log level are filtered out.
the maximum log level.
Gets the source (context) name.
the source (context) name.
Logs an important information message
(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
a human-readable message to log.
arguments to parameterize the message.
Logs a message at specified log level.
a log level.
(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
an error object associated with this message.
a human-readable message to log.
arguments to parameterize the message.
Set the maximum log level.
a new maximum log level.
Sets references to dependent components.
references to locate the component dependencies.
Sets the source (context) name.
a new source (context) name.
Logs a low-level debug information for troubleshooting.
(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
a human-readable message to log.
arguments to parameterize the message.
Logs a warning that may or may not have a negative impact.
(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
a human-readable message to log.
arguments to parameterize the message.
Writes a log message to the logger destination(s).
a log level.
(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
an error object associated with this message.
a human-readable message to log.
Generated using TypeDoc
Aggregates all loggers from component references under a single component.
It allows to log messages and conveniently send them to multiple destinations.
(optional) ILogger components to pass log messagesILogger
class MyComponent implements IConfigurable, IReferenceable { private _logger: CompositeLogger = new CompositeLogger(); public configure(config: ConfigParams): void { this._logger.configure(config); ... } public setReferences(references: IReferences): void { this._logger.setReferences(references); ... } public myMethod(string correlationId): void { this._logger.debug(correlationId, "Called method mycomponent.mymethod"); ... } }